Hannah Toticki. Framing Presence

Hannah Toticki
Framing Presence, 2020
Interactive sculpture (Valchromat, plexiglas, steel wire, 185 x 185 x 48 cm)
Courtesy of the artist

Framing presence is a sculpture-furniture designed for two bodies sitting facing each other. It refers to the way we now perceive reality as a fixed rectangular frame – our screens – that increasingly mediates our relationships with others.

One of the big challenges technology presents to intimacy and love is the question of paying attention. With the endless flow of information, constant communication and updates, we often fail to be present in the here and now. Short attention span and attention deficit are both afflictions of the digital age. But being present is a precondition for love.

Hannah Toticki’s work analyzes the pathologies afflicting our capitalist societies with their ideals of growth, efficiency, performance and their culture of exhaustion, stress, and burnout. Her practice asks whether there are other paths to the good life than those paved with optimisation, overtime and over-consumption.

The works presented in Modern Love or Love at the Age of Cold Intimacies– complementary to Hannah Toticki’s major solo exhibition at the ΕΜΣΤ (from January 26) – take shape as garments, accessories and furniture all of which imply the technology – body relationship.


Hannah Toticki lives and works in Copenhagen. Recent solo exhibitions include: Universal Human Resource, MOCAD, Museum of Modern Art Detroit and Work After Work, Galerie Wedding, Berlin (2021), The Land of Milk and HoneyKW Institute for Contemporary, berlin (2019), Slower and Cheaper, Overgaden Institute for Contemporary Art, Copenhagen (2018). Recent group exhibitions include: Work it out, Kunsten, Aalborg, (2021), Shapeshifters, Malmø Kunstmuseum and Young Danish Art, ARKEN Museum of Modern Art (2020), RIBOCA1, 1st Riga International Biennial of Contemporary Art, Riga (2018). She is the recipient of several prizes including the Niels Wessel Bagges Art Foundation Prize (2019), the Carl Nielsen and Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen Talent Grant (2018), The  Grosserer L.F. Foghts Fund (2018) the Hielmstierne-Rosencrones Foundation Prize (2017) and the StartPoint Prize, Prague National Gallery (2016).
