The ΕΜΣΤ library specializes in contemporary Greek and international art. It has more than 8,500 publications and 450 magazine titles, in Greek and other languages. The library collection consists of printed, electronic, and audiovisual material covering, among other fields, art history and theory, museology, architecture, philosophy, critical reviews, aesthetics. Emphasis is placed on catalogs of individual and group exhibitions and on monographs by artists. Catalogs of museums and international exhibitions constitute a large part of the collection. The aim of the library is to support research focusing on the interdisciplinary approach to contemporary art.

Library Use and Services:

The library does not lend out. It has a 25 seat reading hall, as well as an 8 people capacity room, where users can organize group meetings. Reservations must be made at least one day in advance by contacting:

The items found in the open stacks are freely accessible to the public, while the use of items of limited access is available upon request to the library. The reproduction of library material is allowed in accordance with the Library and Art Archive Regulation and the laws on copyright and on the management of intellectual property rights.

Use the links below to access the relevant websites:

From withing the Library, you can access the database of Jstor Museum Collection
and the electronic archives of Afterall magazine





Modern love : [or  love in the age of cold intimacies] curated by Katerina Gregos, Αθήνα : ΕΜΣΤ, 2023

Modern love : [or love in the age of cold intimacies] curated by Katerina Gregos, Αθήνα : ΕΜΣΤ, 2023

Mass effect : art and the internet in the twenty one century by Lauren Cornell, Cambridge : Mitt Press, 2015

Mass effect : art and the internet in the twenty one century by Lauren Cornell, Cambridge : Mitt Press, 2015

Cornelia Parker, curated by Andrea Schlieker, London : Tate Publishing, 2022

Cornelia Parker, curated by Andrea Schlieker, London : Tate Publishing, 2022

Mousse magazine, Milan : Contrappunto, 2006-

Mousse magazine, Milan : Contrappunto, 2006-

The years of defiance: The art of the ‘70s in Greece

The years of defiance : the art of the ‘70s in Greece, curator Bia Papadopoulou, Αθήνα: ΕΜΣΤ, 2005

Politics of art : From the EMST Collection

Politcs of art, επιμέλεια Άννα Καφέτση, Αθήνα : ΕΜΣΤ, 2010

Antidoron: The EMST Collection , Documenta 14, Fridericianum, Kassel, Athens : EMΣT, 2017

Antidoron: The EMST Collection , Documenta 14, Fridericianum, Kassel, Athens : EMΣT, 2017

Mona Hatoum, Salamanca: Centro de Arte de Salamanca, 2002

Mona Hatoum, Salamanca: Centro de Arte de Salamanca, 2002

Victor Vasarely: 1ος τόμος: Το απόλυτο μάτι = 1er volume: l’ oeil asolu = 1st volume: The absolute eye, Αθήνα: Artistic Investments, 2005

Victor Vasarely: 1ος τόμος: Το απόλυτο μάτι = 1er volume: l’ oeil asolu = 1st volume: The absolute eye, Αθήνα: Artistic Investments, 2005

Licht, Alan, Sound Art: Beyond Music, Between Categories, New York: Rizzoli International Publications, 2007

Alan, Licht, Sound Art: Beyond Music, Between Categories, New York: Rizzoli International Publications, 2007

Ilya Kabakov: The man who never threw anything away, New York: Harry N. Abrams,1996

Ilya Kabakov: The man who never threw anything away, New York: Harry N. Abrams,1996

Yiannis Bouteas: ρέουσες καταστάσεις 1970-2004, Αθήνα: Futura, 2004

Yiannis Bouteas: ρέουσες καταστάσεις 1970-2004, Αθήνα: Futura, 2004

Παπασπύρου, Ρένα, Παπασπύρου/Αστερισμοί: Papaspyrou/Constellation, Αθήνα: BΔ Σήμα, 2004

Ρένα, Παπασπύρου, Παπασπύρου/Αστερισμοί: Papaspyrou/Constellation, Αθήνα: BΔ Σήμα, 2004

Frieze: international art magazine, no. 50 (Jan.-Feb. 2000), London: Durian Publications, 1991-

Frieze: international art magazine, London: Durian Publications, 1991-

Artforum, New York: Artforum, 1962-

Artforum, New York: Artforum, 1962-




The ΕΜΣΤ library is located on the 1st floor.
Visit by appointment.Opening hours: Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday 11.00 a.m. – 15.00 pm

Contact Information:
Library – Art Archive:

Tatiana Fasouli
Archivist / Librarian,
Τ: 2111019057

Eleni Ganiti
Τ: 2111019013

Athina Karathanasi
Τ: 2111019038

Anina Valkana
Τ: 2111019006



Who has access to the library?

Library is open to the public.

Who has access to the art archive?

The art archive can be accessed by anyone who submits the application for the use of archival material, which has been approved by the archivists and with the demonstration of his/her ID card.

Is it a lending library?

No, it is not a lending library.

What can I bring to the reading room?

You can bring notes, notebooks, pencils, portable devices such as laptops, etc. Your mobile phone must be in mute mode. Other personal items, such as bags, coats, umbrellas, etc., are stored in the special lockers provided free of charge.

Can I use the wireless network in the reading room from my portable device?

Yes, you can use the wireless network available throughout the Museum through your own devices.

Can people with disabilities / reduced mobility access the reading room?

Yes, they can and do precede other visitors.

How many library items can I see each day?

Each day you can study up to 20 items.

How does the library and art archive manage my personal data?

The personal data of library and art archive users are kept confidential and managed in accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Can I use the computers in the reading room?

The computers in the reading room available for the users provide access to the library and art archive catalogs, the internet, databases, and programs.
The use of computers must be in accordance with the applicable law. It is forbidden to install programs and modify settings on computers. The use of computers for games, chats, and browsing websites that are not in line with the research process is prohibited. Users can save files from the internet to their external storage units. Library computers’ memory is used only for temporary data storage.
In case all computers are occupied, the order of priority is observed by the users themselves. Staff is not responsible for adhering to the order of priority.

Can I donate to the library?

The library accepts donations that fall under the collection policy of its collection.

Can I donate to the art archive?

The art archive accepts donations that fall under the collection policy of its collection.

What classification system does the library use?

Library uses the Dewey Decimal Classification 22 (DDC 22) system. Books on the shelves are arranged according to call number, based on the subject of the book and the first three letters of the main entry. Monographs and catalogs of greek and foreign artists are classified with the greek letters ΕΚ and ΞΚ respectively and the first three letters of the artist.