inspired by Yorgos Gyparakis’ Nocturnal Landscape, 1998
Trying to touch upon all these mismatched pieces, ugly and beautiful, that each of us individually and collectively have. All that eventually define us and give us a special identity. Τhe world would be meaningless if we all had the same perceptions. And life would be very boring merely with joys or sorrows.
inspired by Mona Hatoum’s Fix It, 2004
Driven by the feeling of a revolution and the end of a new authority. How many missed opportunities for a new beginning…
inspired by Costas Tsoclis’ Wayfarer, 1989
With this landscape I tried to touch upon the incomprehensible hatred we have for the people across. We share the same neighborhood and we look alike but this hatred defines us and destroys us over the centuries. But if you look from across, this place looks familiar and beautiful like ours.