From February 2023 until June 2023, the EMST Education Department in collaboration with the Schools of the Korydallos Correctional Center held a series of art workshops based on the European Programs “#NarcissusMeetsPandora” and “ACROSS GENERATIONS – Learning from Art, Culture, and One Another”. More than 100 detained students of the 19th Primary School of Korydallos, the 2nd SDE of Korydallos and the 2nd DIEK of Korydallos participated in the workshops.
More specifically, as part of the #NarcissusMeetsPandora, two workshops were realized: “Contemporary Portrait and Self-Representation” and “Photo Booths”. The goals of the workshops are: to raise awareness about identity construction and self-representation in life and social media, through examples of portraits in contemporary art, to raise awareness about the manipulation of portraits with the intention of strengthening and empowering the message, to cultivate critical thinking regarding identity and stereotypes. Participants, also, familiarized themselves with the use of digital applications and created their own selfies for offline use (e.g. for personal use or to share with a close friend or relative) and for online use. (e.g. for a profile picture).
In the framework of “ACROSS GENERATIONS”, the workshop entitled “Hidden Signals” was held, during which works from the EMST Collection dealing with socio-political and existential issues were presented and discussed. The participants then worked in pairs and created a cardboard suitcase. With words, slogans, colours and shapes on the outside of the suitcase, they symbolically expressed social attitudes and values, and inside they “hid” their personal dreams, feelings and desires.
The workshops were completed in three to four two-hour meetings in the space of the Educational Buildings of the Korydallos Correctional Center.
The following pdf files present the works of the participants:
Implementetion: Marina Tsekou – ΕΜΣΤ Education Curator, Dimitris Kanna – ΕΜΣΤ Animator