EMST and Special Secretariat for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors (SSPUAM) collaborate for a social inclusion workshop

EMST and Special Secretariat for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors (SSPUAM) collaborate for a social inclusion workshop

Participatory workshops aiming at the strengthening, inclusion and equal access opportunities in art, culture and education were realized through four three-hour meetings with teenagers that live in Hospitality Centers for Unaccompanied Minors.

The participants had the opportunity to develop and expand their artistic horizons in a creative space of interaction and learning that EMST offered.

An interactive journey of learning and art was completed for the unaccompanied minors with the creation of audiovisual material that has the form of a stop motion animation video presenting the story they created. Working as a team, they created the characters, the story and the message they wanted to share with us. Then, they designed the settings and the characters, they photographed the scenes one by one and they framed their story with their singing.

The video titled “Hello Hope”, which you can watch here, sends us a message of hope and solidarity.

The creation of the teenagers’ personal connections to the world around them is of critical importance for their smooth psychosocial development.

The innovative collaboration between the SSUAM of the Hellenic Ministry of Migration and Asylum and EMST contributes, amongst others, to the promotion of the minors’ social skills, highlighting the importance of collaboration between SSPUAM and a cultural institution.