In the context of the Museum Pedagogy course, of the Department of History and Archaeology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, taught by Assistant Professor of Museology Mrs. Marlene Mouliou (spring semester 2022-2023), a group of undergraduate students and their professor met with Εducation Curator Marina Tsekou in order to discuss the process of organizing an EΜΣΤ inclusive educational program. In particular, the intergenerational program CO-WAYFARERS AT EMST was presented in an experiential way to the NKUA group, which is realized within the framework of the project ACROSS GENERATIONS – Learning from art, culture and each other of the Goethe Institutes of Southeast Europe.
You can learn more about the program in the following link:
Leaving the Museum, the students under the coordination of Marlen Mouliou continued and completed the creation of their own suitcase and reflected on the museum learning experience.
At the end of the semester they shared their projects and reflections with us. You may download the full presentation here (in Greek).