EMST at the International Festival of Ancient Olympia 2017


Journey into the world of contemporary art, with EMST at the International Festival of Ancient Olympia 2017

In the framework of its educational programs the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens (EMST) collaborated with the International Festival of Ancient Olympia 2017. Taking as a starting point contemporary art works, children aged 6-12 years old from the Refugee Center of Myrsini, Elys, the local Roma community of Amaliada and the Nursery School – Rigas of Pyrgos, discussed topics such as nomadism, immigration, relocation, separation and contact with new places and people. They created their own works approaching in a symbolic way the above mentioned topics.

The program was realized on the 13th and 14th July, 2017 by Mrs. Marina Tsekou, Education Curator, Elisabeth Ioannides, Curator and Dimitris Kannas, Artist, in Ancient Olympia.