Apostolos Georgiou Untitled, 2005, Courtesy of the artist © Boris Kirpotin

Apostolos Georgiou. Painting

Athens Conservatoire

As painting of the “private vision” one is tempted to describe Apostolos Georgiou’s anthropocentric work, drawing a parallel between the poetry of his generation of the 80s, in the much discussed term. It is a painting of a retreat to the individual, narrative and enigmatic in its laconic ellipticality, which illustrates small stories, speaks of the mythologies of the daily life, reveals existential situations of human vulnerability and weakness, failure and emotional breakdown, opening up the private realm to public view, to the others’ gaze.
The artist’s tender and at the same time sarcastic stories, in a time when, at least for the past two decades, the art of the intimate sphere has come to the international artistic foreground, go beyond a solitary confinement in their autobiographical, or not, self-sufficiency. They presuppose our exterior gaze in order to impose their introversion, seeking an encounter and a communication with the “outside” world, and mobilizing our emotion and critical smile.

Having as a starting point the private universe of a male, for the most part, humanity, Apostolos Georgiou’s painting becomes a field of critical reinvestigation and redefinition of love relationships and identities, gender and social roles. Through the unfolding of subjectivity, where alterity and difference seek their own space, we are allowed to rethink the fragile certainties and to accept the other side, of ourselves and of the others.

Curated by Daphne Vitali